Inicio Música Bruce Guynn lanza el sencillo ‘Not The Same’

Bruce Guynn lanza el sencillo ‘Not The Same’

6 min lectura

El canta autor Bruce Guynn acaba de lanzar el 29 de Marzo su nuevo sencillo llamado, ‘Not The Same’. Esta nueva canción es escrita, interpretada y producida por Bruce, así como grabada por Stu Wilson.

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Sigue a Bruce en YouTube y conoce sus canciones más populares en la radio de todo el mundo. Suscríbete a su canal de Youtube donde encontrarás música nueva, videos y la serie acústica Redwood Coast en vivo.

Not The Same – Lyrics

Thought I saw you in a Hollywood Movie
That you or someone from my past
I don’t think I like what the mirror’s telling me
I don’t think I like who I see

I thought I was a poet
I thought I new how to play this game
Now I find myself starting all over again
I know I’m not the same I’m not the same

I don’t wanna go back to before
I won’t play that game anymore
I want to go to a higher place
To where there is no savings grace

I thought I was a poet
I thought I new how to play this game
Now I find myself starting all over again
I know I’m not the same

Was that you down at that coffee shop
Or was it another stranger
All those years we spent together
All those times we had

Coro y final:
I thought I was a poet
Well I thought I new how to play this game
Now I find myself starting all over again
Yes I know I’m not the same
I’m not the same
I’m not the same
I’m not the same
Oh yeah, I’m not the same

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Aquí les dejo la nueva rola, espero les guste. Si quieren conocer un poco más de Bruce, les dejo este link.

Cargar más de Carlos Mestre
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